Link to Google Scholar profile
Peer reviewed articles
- Binningsbø, H. M., R. Nordås (2022) "Conflict-related sexual violence and the perils of impunity". Journal of Conflict Resolution 66(6): 1066-1090
- Dumaine, L., R. Nordås; Elisabeth Wood, Maria Gargiulo. "Repertoires of sexual violence in armed conflict”. Journal of Peace Research 59 (4), 611-621
- Nordås, Ragnhild and Dara Kay Cohen (2021) “Conflict-related sexual violence.” (Annual Review of Political Science)
- Kruger, Jule and Ragnhild Nordås (2020) “A latent variable approach to measuring sexual violence in armed conflict” Journal of Peace Research. Online First: DOI: 10.1177/0022343320961147
- Quattrochi, J., R. Biaba, R. Nordås, G. Østby, S. Alldén, A. Cikara, E. Namegabe, and C. Amisi. (2019) "Effects of an empowerment program for survivors of sexual violence on attitudes and beliefs: evidence from the Democratic Republic of Congo." International journal for equity in health 18(1): 1-14.
- Finnbakk, I. & R. Nordås (2019) “Community perspectives and pathways to reintegration of survivors of sexual violence in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo”. Human Rights Quarterly 41(2): 263-282.
- Leiby M., G. Østby, & R. Nordås (2019) “The legacy of wartime violence on intimate partner abuse”. International Studies Quarterly 63(1): 1-14.
- Amisi, C.; R. B. Apassa, A. Cikara, G. Østby, R. Nordås, S. Aa. Rustad, and J. Quattrochi (2018) “The impact of support programs for survivors of sexual violence: Micro-level evidence from eastern Democratic Republic of Congo”. Medicine, Conflict & Survival 34(3): 201-223.
- Gleditsch, N. P., R. Nordås, and H. Urdal. (2017) “Peer Review and Replication Data: Best Practice from Journal of Peace Research.” College & Research Libraries 78.3 (2017).
- Rustad, S., G. Østby & R. Nordås (2016) Does Artisanal Mining Increase the Risk of Sexual Violence? Micro-level evidence from Eastern Congo. Quality In Primary Care 24(33).
- Rustad, S., G. Østby & R. Nordås (2016). “Artisanal mining, conflict, and sexual violence in Eastern DRC”. The Extractive Industries and Society. 3(2): 475-484.
- Cohen, D. K. & R. Nordås (2015). “Do States Delegate Shameful Violence to Militias? Patterns of Sexual Violence in Recent Armed Conflicts” Journal of Conflict Resolution 59(5): 877-898.
- Cohen, D. K. & R. Nordås (2014) “Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict: A new dataset 1989-2009”. Journal of Peace Research, 51(3): 418-428.
- Gleditsch, N. P. & R. Nordås (2014) “Conflicting messages? The IPCC on conflict and human security”, Political Geography 43: 82-90.
- Nordås, R. (2014) “Religious demography and conflict: Lessons from Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana.” International Area Studies Review, 17(2): 146-166.
- Nordås, R. & C. Davenport (2013) “’Fight the Youth’: Youth Bulges and State Repression." American Journal of Political Science 57(4): 926-940.
- Nordås, R. & S. Aa. Rustad (2013) “Sexual Exploitation and Abuse by Peacekeepers: Understanding Variation.” International Interactions 39(4): 511-534.
- Østby, G.; H. Strand, R. Nordås & N.P. Gleditsch (2013) “Gender Gap or Gender Bias in Peace Research? Publication Patterns and Citation Rates for Journal of Peace Research, 1983–2008.” International Studies Perspectives 14(4): 493-506.
- Østby, G. R. Nordås & J. K. Rød (2009) “Regional Inequalities and Civil Conflict in Sub-Saharan Africa”. International Studies Quarterly 53: 301–324.
- Achvarina, V.; R. Nordås; G. Østby and S. Aa. Rustad (2009) “Armut und die Rekrutierung von Kindersoldaten: Eine disaggregierte Studie der afrikanischen Regionen.” [Regional Poverty and Child Soldier Recruitment: A Disaggregated Study of African Regions] Politische Vierteljahresschrift. Special Issue (43).
- Gleditsch, N.P. & R. Nordås (2009) “Climate Change and Conflict: A Critical Overview” (with Nils Petter Gleditsch). Die Friedens-Warte: Journal of International Peace and Organization, Special Issue on Climate Change and Armed Conflict 84(2): 11–28.
- De Soysa, I. & R. Nordås (2007) “Islam’s Bloody Innards? Religion and Political Terror, 1980–2000” (with Indra de Soysa). International Studies Quarterly 51(4): 927–943.
- Gleditsch, N. P. & R. Nordås (2007) “Climate Change and Conflict” Political Geography 26(6): 627–638.
Book chapters
- Nordås, R. (2018) “‘Sons of the Soil’ Conflicts and Autochthony: Bridging the Literatures” in People Changing Places: New Perspectives on Demography, Migration, Conflict and the State, edited by Isabelle Côté, Matthew I. Mitchell and Monica Duffy Toft. Routledge.
- Nordås, R. (2017) “The Prevalence of Conflict-Related Sexual Violence: When, Where and By Whom? ” In Peace and Conflict 2017. David Backer, Ravinder Bhavnani, Paul Huth, eds. Taylor & Francis.
- Nordås, R. & S. Aa. Rustad (2015) “Assessing Sexual Exploitation and Abuse by Peacekeepers” in Louise Olsson & Ismene Gizelis eds. Gender, Peace and Security: Implementing UNSCR 1325. Taylor & Francis.
- Nordås, R. & N. P. Gleditsch (2015) “Climate change and conflict” In Competition and Conflicts on Resource Use. Susanne Hartland & Wolfgang Liebert (eds.) Springer. Pp. 21-38.
- Nordås, R. & N. P. Gleditsch (2013). “The IPCC, human security, and the climate-conflict nexus.” In Handbook on Climate Change and Human Security, edited by Michael R. Redclift and Marco Grasso. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Edgar. [pp. 67-88]
- Nordås, R. (2011) “Devil in the Demography? Religion, Identity, and War in Cote d’Ivoire”, in Jack Goldstone, Monica Toft & Eric Kaufmann (eds.). Political Demography: Interests, Conflict and Institutions. Oxford University press. [pp. 252-267]
- Knutsen, T.; H. M Binningsbø. ; R. Ekle; & R. Nordås (2003) “Afghanistan under den kalde krigen” [Afghanistan during the Cold War] in Torbjørn Knutsen (ed.) Blodspor. Om bakgrunnen til 11. september [Traces of Blood. The Background to 11 September]. Oslo: Cappelen.
Select other publications/ popular dissemination
- Report back better. Foreign Policy (with Robert Nagel) May 7, 2021. Argument. The State Department’s yearly human rights report may be the United States’ best tool for fighting sexual violence. Biden needs to get it right.
- 2021 Children at Risk of Wartime Sexual Violence, 1990–2019. (with Robert Nagel, Gudrun Østby; Siri Aas Rustad & Andreas Forø Tollefsen) February 18. In 2019, approximately 72 million children were living in a conflict zone where one or more armed actors were reported to perpetrate sexual violence against children. By this metric of risk, we also find that the number of children at risk of wartime sexual violence has increased since the 1990s. This brief presents new subnational estimates of this risk to children for the period 1990–2019. The study this is based on was commissioned by Save the Children and generated by PRIO, based on a new update of the SVAC database.
- 2020 Twenty years after UNSCR 1325: Any progress ending wartime sexual violence? (with Dara Kay Cohen and Robert U. Nagel) Political Violence at a Glance, October 30.
- 2018 Why the Nobel Peace Prize went to 2 people fighting sexual violence in war. Washington Post, The Monkey Cage, October 8. (with Elisabeth Wood)
- 2018 When Will We End Sexual Violence in Conflict? (with Nelly Lahoud)
- 2018 Continued Failure to End Wartime Sexual Violence. PRIO Policy Brief. October 6. (With Robert Nagel).
- 2016 Social Inclusion of Survivors of Sexual Violence: How Do Support Programs Work?, PRIO Paper. Oslo: PRIO. December. (with Gudrun Østby; Siri Aas Rustad; Christine Amisi; Rosalie Biaba; John Quattrochi; Susanne Alldén & Aline Cikara)
- 2016 De la douleur en pouvoir ? [From Pain to Empowerment?], PRIO Paper. Oslo: PRIO. December. (with Gudrun Østby; Rosalie Biaba; Christine Amisi; John Quattrochi; Susanne Alldén; Esther Namegabe & Aline Cikara)
- 2016 “Suicide Bombing ≠ Religious Fervor” Blog post, Friday, 8 April 2016:
- 2015 “Governments Don’t Outsource Atrocities to Militias. Here’s What Really Happens” (with Jessica Stanton and Dara Kay Cohen). Washington Post, The Monkey Cage.
- 2015 “Civilian targeting by militias: The important role of states”. PRIO Conflict trends Policy Brief 12/2015.
- 2015 “The Time Has Come for Dr. Denis Mukwege to Win the Nobel Peace Prize” (with Gudrun Østby) Blog post:
- 2014 “Four things everyone should know about wartime sexual violence” Washington Post. June 9. (with Dara Kay Cohen and Elisabeth Wood)
- 2014 Seksualisert vold i krig of konflikt [Sexualized violence in war and conflict] In A. Schølset, ed. Gender i Forsvaret [Gender in the Military]. Oslo, Norway: Abstrakt Forlag. [pp. 243-272] (with Lars Morten Bjørkholt). Textbook for Norwegian military academy.
- 2014 Seksuell utnyttelse og overgrep i internasjonale operasjoner [Sexual exploitation and abuse in international operations] In A. Schølset, ed. Gender i Forsvaret [Gender in the Military]. Oslo, Norway: Abstrakt Forlag. [pp. 273-300] (with Lars Morten Bjørkholt). Textbook for Norwegian military academy.
- 2013 “Preventing Conflict-related Sexual Violence”. PRIO Policy Brief 2/2013:
- 2012 “Sexual Violence on the Decline? Recent debates and evidence suggests ‘unlikely’”. CSCW Policy Brief 3/2012:
- 2012 “Sexual Violence in African Conflicts, 1989-2009: What the data show”. CSCW Policy Brief 2/2012: (with Dara Kay Cohen)
- 2012 “Sexual Violence by Militias in African Conflicts: Not a question of ‘delegation’ by states”. CSCW Policy Brief 1/2012:
- 2011 Sexual Violence in African Conflicts. CSCW Policy Brief no. 1-2011. PRIO: Oslo
- 2010 Beliefs & Bloodshed: Understanding Religion and Intrastate Conflict. PhD dissertation. Trondheim, Norway: NTNU
- 2009 “IPCC and the Climate-Conflict Nexus” (with Nils Petter Gleditsch). Paper presented to the International Studies Association annual convention, New York City, 15-18 February; and the International Scientific Congress on Climate Change, Copenhagen, 10–12 March.
- 2008 Review of Elizabeth Shakman Hurd, 2008. The Politics of Secularism in International Relations. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. In Journal of Peace Research 45(4)
- 2007 Climate Change and Conflict (with Nils Petter Gleditsch). Political Geography 26(6). Guest Editor. (edited Journal issue)
- 2007 “Climate Change and Conflict: the Migration Link” (with Nils Petter Gleditsch and Idean Salehyan). International Peace Academy: Coping with Crisis Working Paper Series. New York: International Peace Academy. URL:
Book project
The politics of sexual violence: Why states use sexual violence and why it backfires
The book explains variation in sexual violence by states and explores how the logic of sexual violence stands out relative to other forms of violence and repression states engage in. The book draws on original global data on sexual violence by states inside and outside of war, as well as select case illustrations to explain sexual violence by states, map its consequences, and outline how state-perpetrated sexual violence can be prevented in the future.
The book explains variation in sexual violence by states and explores how the logic of sexual violence stands out relative to other forms of violence and repression states engage in. The book draws on original global data on sexual violence by states inside and outside of war, as well as select case illustrations to explain sexual violence by states, map its consequences, and outline how state-perpetrated sexual violence can be prevented in the future.
Working papers
- Sexual violence and the repression-dissent nexus (with Ingrid Vik Bakken)
- The first political order and state repression: The overlooked gender dimension of physical integrity rights violations
- Corruption and sexual violence (with Marianne Dahl)
- Killing the messenger: Government corruption and attacks on reporters (with Corina Simonelli)
- Female empowerment in eastern DRC: SGBV survivors’ long-term perspectives (with Rosalie Biaba and Susanne Allden)
- How religious extremism advantages rebel groups (with Scott Gates)